Monday, August 29, 2005

Despedida for my brother

Last night just had a midnight dinner with my family @ Jack's Loft in Eastwood. It's been a long time since we had one... dinner together, since all of us are already working and we barely have common schedules anymore. This night also was a despedida for my younger brother James; he'll be going to Singapore tomorrow to work there.

Thinking back to my childhood... I have fond memories of family get-togethers, usually during Christmas or during special occasions. These activities help rekindle the bond of a family. Thinking of my own future... when I have my own family... activities such as these will be a constant part of my family life. I'll spend time with my wife... scheduling dates with her... for us to spend time & cherishing each other & thank God for what he has done to our lives, for creating her for me and me for her. When I have kids... they'll have their own special time with me... and with my wife as a family. Of course I'm talking all in future tense here - since I'm not yet married hehehe.

Well, this blog post is for my family - specifically my brother James (besides our mom). Well bro, I wish you all the best in Singapore. We might not have spent that much time... when we were younger we were usually at odds... especially when our parents were not around... thinking back to those times bro... I can't help being the older brother... looking after my siblings - I did that out of love and concern. Thinking now and the future, I don't know if I'll be able to visit you in Singapore... I don't know if you'll be able to return to the Philippines during special occasions but what I'm sure of is that I'll miss you bro and that you'll always be part of my prayers. I know Singapore’s a very hectic place... at times when the going gets tough... just pray to God for guidance and strength. Well, you take care now and don't forget to write or in this case e-mail :) God bless always!

My prayer for my brother James

Lord God, I lift to you the life of my brother James (Jim-B)... I thank you for having created him to be part of my family. Lord, as he goes to Singapore to work and make a living for himself - I pray that you guide and protect him. I pray Lord that you present people to his life in Singapore that will help him through all his endeavors. Father God, I pray for provisions for my brother... I pray for health and protection... I pray for continual blessing upon him. I lift you up the life of my brother whom I love - in Jesus' name. Amen.

1 comment:

Caths Deen said...

This is such a touching post. I could relate since my two brothers are working abroad as well. I pray that your relationship with your brother will grow in quality even with the distance.