Hello students :) as stated during our first meeting... the midterms will reflect your grades as of today (flat grading system not the 50% midterms and 50% pre-finals) :) the maximum grade that you can get is actually 3 since I temporarily set the project grade to 70%. The grades are broken down into Exercises and Assignments (30%), Quizzes (30%), Attendance (10%), Project (30%).
I also didn't include yet your plus points :) nor the written report regarding the seminars. Btw, some students will need to talk to me by next meeting (please see the P.S. below - right after the entire list of grades)
Cya guys on tuesday! Have a great weekend!
God bless!
Sir Normz
Grades below
10364579 1
10177256 2.5
10577920 2.5
10557709 2.5
10676430 2
10551581 2.5
10166017 R
10565825 2
10562095 2.5
10557962 3
10675639 1
10453547 1
10558853 2.5
10561781 2.5
10557695 2.5
10677089 R
10558276 2.5
10356169 1.5
10454748 2
10559809 2
10566082 2.5
10561153 2.5
10559981 2.5
10675469 2.5
10555730 2.5
10556761 2.5
10564918 2.5
10559132 2.5
10564101 2.5
10457755 2
10560920 2.5
10559736 2.5
10550933 2.5
10561773 2.5
10367195 2.5
10554319 2.5
10555366 2.5
10550984 2.5
10565930 2.5
10559825 2.5
10561854 1
10559388 2.5
10559760 2
10563466 2.5
10559752 2.5
10563199 2.5
10553932 2.5
10555765 2.5
10554696 2.5
10558624 1
10563296 2
10564292 2
10565558 2.5
10560599 2
P.S. Can the following students re-submit quiz 1 - since you only submitted a link and not your entire file.