Thursday, March 31, 2005


I was driving yesterday to work (still questioning my faith), the odd thing is that I saw a car with a license plate saying John 3:16 (316 JHN). I knew it was a chapter in the Bible but I wasn't sure what it was; of course - I started to ponder whether God was giving me signs... and the odd thing again was that after the license plate - here comes a taxi with a sticker saying "Jesus never fails".

John 3:16
"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."

I shared my odd experience to my officemates (Betz and Oliver) and they said that God is trying to give me signs, since I am trying to find "something" - He's already am talking to me...

A side note... I bought a copy of "A Purpose Driven Life" (I lost my 1st copy - I wasn't able to complete the book though... just 3 chapters)... I also got my first copy of the Bible (I don't really have my own "personal" copy). I also have a one-to-one with Louie (my office mate) - later at 5pm; I don't know what will happen later... Betz just told me to tell Louie everything... hmmm, well... I'll give it a shot.

Hmmm, are these signs? What am I so afraid of? Why do I keep on questioning? I have alot of questions... maybe in time I'll know - what the heck I'm searching for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Signs are just one of the ways He talks to us. May you find what you are looking for dude...

Good luck

have a nice day